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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BrightDart's Creative Approach Through Marketing and Printing Services

Hello, welcome to BrightDart my name is Dean Sparks owner and founder. I would like to inform you about BrightDart's printing such as variable data printing, variable printing, digital printing, and wide format printing; marketing such as direct mail, personalized direct mail, and direct marketing; and technological services such as PURLs, e-mail marketing, and website design that will help you achieve maximum potential without jeopardizing your marketing budget. BrightDart’s innovative services allow us to optimize our products through a unique process called variable data printing, which generates personalized direct mail for our consumers through a digital printer. The digital printing service allows BrightDart to create marketing solutions at a faster turnaround time and affordable cost, but the other variations involved in this printing service are U.V. coating, digital printing, and variable data printing. The direct marketing scheme is one of a kind because it requires specific information such as mailing list, demographics, and a particular graphic design that allows companies to create a healthy relationship with their consumers through a direct mailer, but allows you to focus and relax on your major agendas while BrightDart takes care of the rest! It is those moments where everything is bogging us down, and then we have to worry about marketing and printing services that will create connections to the consumers. That is exactly what personalized direct mail allows the consumer to feel, as if the company is at their doorstep, without being there!

At BrightDart we have the greatest values in direct mail marketing that will help your company become dynamic (graphic design, wide format printing, variable printing and direct marketing), technological (PURLs, email marketing, and website design), and diversified (repro graphics, mailing list, and variable data printing) in the business world. The two questions that stumps us all when confronted with marketing is what marketing and printing service will help me achieve a high return on investment (ROI)? How am I going to effectively target a particular group of consumers that will buy my product or services? Here at BrightDart we believe that the top three reasons companies need marketing and printing services are for company expansion, strategically targeting particular demographics, and to advertise or market a new product. I know it seems impossible to target a particular group of mailers, but here at BrightDart we bring the innovation out of every service we provide. BrightDart's direct marketing and printing are our #1 services that have helped increase productivity in businesses throughout the central valley in cities like Merced, Stockton, Manteca, Modesto, Turlock, Atwater, Los Banos, and Dos Palos.

You hear of many marketing ventures that say they can provide a guaranteed marketing and printing service that will get you the “bang for your buck”. These companies are mostly throughout the valley and California such as Merced marketing and printing, Stockton marketing and printing, Manteca marketing and printing, Modesto marketing and printing, Turlock marketing and printing, Atwater marketing and printing, Los Banos marketing and printing, and Dos Palos marketing and printing. I am here to inform you that Bright Dart’s marketing and printing services have a “better bang for your ROI”. The reason I say this is because at BrightDart we cross examine our marketing and printing solutions with every marketing company in the valley, so we assure that our marketing and printing services are cost effective and strategically meeting our customers’ needs for their marketing and printing campaigns. It is important for BrightDart to satisfy customer needs, and at BrightDart we value customer service first because we want to guide every business in succeeding in any marketing and printing project, which will help businesses in California receive a proven ROI that will help them expand, increase “foot-traffic”, and feel confident in their marketing and printing abilities. At BrightDart that is just what we provide to every company we interact with face-to-face, and that is to provide a guaranteed marketing and printing service that will put a smile on any face at the end of the day.

As you know it can be difficult day in and out to continuously create ideas about how your company can offer marketing and printing solutions that are effective in engaging your consumers. BrightDart promises to be that one stop dynamic (graphic design, wide format printing, variable printing and direct marketing), technological (PURLs, email marketing, and website design), and diversified (repro graphics, mailing list, and variable data printing) marketing and printing solution for every company by consistently providing testimonies and solutions that will help your business feel confident and innovative in any marketing or printing project. I want to thank you once again for reading my marketing and printing services, because at BrightDart your one stop direct mail marketing and printing solution that guarantees a better ROI through our cost effective marketing solutions. Please feel free to look at the numerous amounts of social media that BrightDart is affiliated with through our blog and www.brightdart.com website.

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